Although the knowledge of iron dates back to 3,000 years before the coming of Christ, its use on a large scale had to wait nearly two millennia, that is, it gave the beginning of the Iron Age to 1300 A.C. From that moment on he became an indispensable companion in the development of new civilizations. The art of wrought iron as we know it today became the expression of skilled craftsmen and ranged from military constructions to crafts and agriculture.
Although the knowledge of iron dates back to 3,000 years before the coming of Christ, its use on a large scale had to wait nearly two millennia, that is, it gave the beginning of the Iron Age to 1300 A.C. From that moment on he became an indispensable companion in the development of new civilizations. The art of wrought iron as we know it today became the expression of skilled craftsmen and ranged from military constructions to crafts and agriculture.